Hey, to all my avid readers! Welcome to the launch of my first blog post. Yippee!! My name is Ishita, and I am currently a student who is just on the way to her life journey. 

First of all, I appreciate all the readers who have taken out their time to read my blog. Because I know everyone might be busy and also tensed nowadays due to the corona pandemic revolving around our heads. And, giving your time in reading my blogs means a lot to me. So, I warmly and healthfully welcome you to my blog, where I will be talking about all those stuff that interests me in the area of graphics.

So, let’s get started with my newly build blog journey as I am very excited to share with you MORE about what my blog has to offer!! Well, I know you all might be thinking of what exactly the blog is all about, why I created this, and what all you will be viewing in my future posts. The answers to all these questions you would be getting right away here. So, continue reading this post to know about it.



Well, before starting to tell you about my blog, I want to say that this blog is not similar to the other trendy blogs like travel, lifestyle, health, and so on. It is a blog that you will find less in number. WHY less?? The answer to this, you will found right below.

So, my blog is all about designing. But, of WHAT? The design of graphics. In straightforward, it is about GRAPHIC DESIGNING where the designers portray the message with their creativity.

Now, why there are few blogs related to this? The reason could be, people might think that graphic designing blogs will not be that worthy as compared to the other blog’s niche because of which you will be finding fewer bloggers for graphics on the web. But, NO WORRIES! I will always be there to enrich you with all the kind of stuff related to it.



Since from my childhood, I used to draw the little things from sketching a flower to the sun, and as I grew up, my interest in designing also grew. Now, you might be thinking about how I have started designing in the area of graphics, why not in any other fields? Well, the answer to this is too long to give so, I just tell you in short below.

Like every student, after completing my schooling, I too have to decide about my higher education but, choosing about it was not a piece of cake for me. Yet, after introspecting more about myself, I finally decided to make my career in the computers. With time to time, by exploring many applications and learning different programming languages, I thought that I should make my blog. But, there was arising one problem and, that was about what type of blog?? Then, while doing one of my internships during the pandemic phase, I realized that graphic designing could be a good niche for my blog. Because, in that two of my interests are shown up one, my designing skills and the other, technical skills. And so, I thought I should start this blog to introduce you about the relevance of it and also to continue with my interest areas.

Finally, I hope that in a couple of years or so, this blog will fill up with some helpful and insightful posts that all the readers like you could read. It will be great to hear your suggestions and thoughts regarding the posts. For any help you could reach me through my email.


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